Since I don't have anything remarkable to say right now, but I haven't posted for a rather long time, I will take the easy solution a post a picture. And since this insane ball of fur is the most entertaining thing going on in my life right now, the picture might as well be of him.
Here he pulled the hose rack off the wall, at least I'm pretty sure he was the culprit, and made a nest out of the still neatly-piled hose.
creative photo...he's a good poser. it's nice to have "people/dogs" in our lives to keep things interesting...
have a good weekend...wink wink
I got the picture in the e-mail you sent, and I have to say, Fergus is very cute when he's being naughty. But don't tell him I said that.
This is Mom with nothing better do to do while eating lunch. Fergus managed to sneak into the house this morning and I thought that he had gotten out. No gates were left open.
However, he was looking out the front door when I found him (I was outside)
How do you loose a dog his size?
hey sara! wow..good to hear from you! I'm living in the Philippines training/volunteering at a midwifery clinc which is amazing. I've been living here for over a year now and will be here at least another year before heading off to another country :)
How are you doing? What are you doing? Whats new in your life?
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