Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ponderance #1

I don't know if anyone actually looks at this blog anymore (and I wouldn't blame them if they didn't, considering the infrequency of reading material here), but for any who do, here is a deep thought, a Ponderance, to consider.

Why is it always two?

I would like to encourage you, dear readers, to look beyond the obvious, think deeply on--nay, ponder--the question. I look forward to hearing your answers.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Playing around with photo program

The Original . . .

. . . and the altered photos.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The wanderers have returned!!!!!!

Rebecca and Elizabeth finally made it home this morning after six months of gallivanting around Europe and the Middle East. Despite the end of all that fun, they don't seem to be too unhappy to see us.

Now that they've been carrying those ten-ton weights on their backs for so long, they're ripped and ready for some mountain backpacking. At least I think so. They might not agree.

A joyous reunion between Rebecca and her baby. Awwwww!

It's great to have you girls home again!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Mafia came to town

These pictures are from the wonderful New Year's Eve murder mystery we did. I must say I was very relieved that I was not the killer. And that Italianish accent was hard. I never did catch on to it. The guns are fake, by the way, in case anyone wonders!