Here is the most exciting thing in my life at the moment. Fergus is 2 1/2 months old, a border collie-heeler mix, possibly some lab as well. He was very quiet and scared when we first picked him out in PetsMart yesterday, and refused to walk with the leash, so we had to carry him out. He's a heavy little bugger by the way.
Once we got him home and he settled in with Shadow, he turned into a barrel of mischief, trying to bite everything in sight. We have to watch him carefully when he's in the house. So far he seems to be very intelligent, looking at us when we talk to him, and he's pretty much learned what no means. After being told no and shoved off few times, he sits on his rump and looks at you with a pouty expression. Very cute, and seriously like having a little kid around.
The next priority will be to teach him to respond to his name. That could get interesting, since we already have another dog. I'm not sure Shadow ever figured out that his name is just Shadow, not Domino as well. So I'm guessing Fergus will end up doing the same thing and always respond to both Fergus and Shadow.
Take note of his hazel eyes in the photos attatched. I don't think I've ever seen a dog with eyes that color before.